Why Do Employees Contribute?

Employee Stories

“I give to BAYERPAC because it represents a voice for Bayer.  Giving to the PAC is not a surrogate for your own political values; it’s about Bayer’s values, which I support.” 

“I feel like it’s a matter of citizenship within the company—making sure that we have a seat at the table and that our voice as Bayer employees are heard.” 

“I know that our jobs are tied to the healthcare system, the payer network, etc.  And, fair or unfair, that is tied to legislators.” 

“I want to make sure that farmers have new technologies available.  With only 2% of the population involved in production agriculture, utilization of the political process is important to meet the needs of our grower customers.” 

“I wasn’t sure what the PAC really addressed until I had exposure to our government relations team.  When I saw the effect of their work, I quickly understood.”

“I know that I don’t have to sacrifice my personal beliefs to support the company PAC.” 

“BAYERPAC provides information on candidates, their races, and the issues they support in a format that I would otherwise have to seek on my own which would take a bunch of time—I would not be able to otherwise get this information, so it’s valuable to me.” 

The Connection Between Government, Bayer, Our Customers and Patients

State legislatures and the U.S. Congress make the decisions on the “rules” of how we operate, such as what we pay in taxes (how we are treated as a foreign-owned company), patient access and affordability to our medicines, our ability to provide women’s health care products, and the types of chemicals that can be used in our crop protection products.  Until the government lessens its involvement in our products and services, we have to defend our interests and the interests of our customers and employees through the political process.

We are a multi-faceted company and our Government Relations team represents all of our businesses, not just one business division. We essentially compete against many of the following interests (their 2020 cycle PAC receipts included below), which are singularly-focused on pharmaceuticals, agriculture, or consumer health, etc. Some below lobby against our interests. We cannot disengage from the system with this level of competition.

  • Pfizer         $3,080,000
  • Lilly      $2,270,000
  • Amgen                           $1,760,000  
  • Merck                                 $1,690,000
  • AbbVie           $1,620,000  
  • J&J               $1,260,000
  • John Deere                          $1,150,000
  • BASF  $847,000
  • Sanofi $822,000
  • GSK $605,000
  • Bayer                          $489,000
  • Norvatis                 $488,000
  • P&G $422,000
  • Herbalife $215,000

*FEC data as of November 1, 2022

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