About Us


BAYERPAC is a group of Bayer employees who recognize the need for our one strong voice to be heard in the halls of Congress and state legislatures. It’s nonpartisan, voluntary, and led by a group of Bayer employees, each who represents a Bayer business division.

"I am not connected to the broader political community, so I feel that through BAYERPAC I can play a small role in policy decisions that affect my professional interests. BAYERPAC represents the best part of our American democratic system because it’s bipartisan. It ensures that the emotion is taken out of the decision to support one candidate over another. Instead, the driving force behind our contributions is a candidates’ support for our company, agriculture, innovation and science."

Britt Lebbing
Science Engagement Manager
Regulatory Scientific Affairs

Frequently Asked Questions

PACs are people --- they are political committees comprised of like-minded people to support candidate for elective office at the local, state or federal levels. Before PACs, there were no limits on individual campaign contributions. Corporate PACs, like BAYERPAC, have strict limits on the amount of money that can be taken in and disbursed to candidates. Almost any type of organization can form a PAC, but corporations cannot give general treasury funds as political contributions, so they utilize employee-funded PACs. Corporate PACs can make contributions to and expenditures on behalf of federal and state candidates and other committees. PACs contribute funds to candidates at all levels of government ----local, state and federal. Bayer’s PAC contributes to candidates running for state and federal legislative offices.

The PAC is overseen by the Government Relations team, and led by a PAC Board of Directors comprised of Bayer employees representing all Bayer divisions. They meet quarterly to review recommendations for candidate contributions.

BAYERPAC members are welcome anytime to recommend a candidate they believe is deserving of a contribution. The Board abides by written contribution criteria, so any recommended candidate must meet that criteria to receive PAC funds.

Thinking that who is elected shouldn’t matter to us as Bayer employees is like thinking that hiring the best talent for Bayer doesn’t matter. Bayer needs a PAC because it helps us identify and help elect deserving candidates for public office ---- candidates who, if elected, will make decisions that affect our patients and customers. Just like all Bayer divisions strive to recruit and hire the best team members, BAYERPAC seeks to do the same thing for our work in the legislative process. We want to elect candidates who not only understand, but support public policies that advance our science and ability to help our customers, patients, and their families.

To join BAYERPAC, fill out the enrollment form on the “Contribute” page.

In accordance with Federal Election Commission guidelines, an individual who meets the following requirements may contribute to the PAC:

  • A US Citizen or green card holder with permanent resident status AND
  • A Bayer employee who is paid on a salary basis and has policymaking, managerial, professional, or supervisory responsibilities.

BAYERPAC is managed by a Board of Directors representing all Bayer divisions. They meet quarterly to review candidates under consideration for contributions, and vote on which candidates should receive support.

When developing the PAC Giving Strategy, consideration is given to policymakers who:

  • Support access to new medicines and agricultural tools;
  • Support policies that increase markets for our products and those of our customers, including the use of renewable fuels;
  • Advance free trade and regulatory cooperation among trading partners;
  • Recognize and reward the importance of scientific innovation and protecting intellectual property;
  • Support tax policies that encourage innovation and business investment;
  • Advocate for science based policies that address climate change and protect biodiversity; and
  • Support efforts to end workplace discrimination.

The PAC Board will also consider the policymaker’s leadership positions, committee assignments, professional background and proximity to Bayer facilities in prioritizing disbursements. Consistent with our approach to engaging policy makers, BAYERPAC is bipartisan.

You can easily increase or decrease your contribution at any time. Please contact Laura Chaboya ( to start this process.

Who We Support

Find out who the BAYERPAC supports.
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